sometimes the boat floats, and sometimes it sinks. just like the watermelon and the boy who poo-ed his way through.

Saturday, July 09, 2005


tonight, friday supper club suck. so i am watching some kangaroos on arts central kissing each other asses. i think i will flunk my computer systems paper. i have no idea what the hell is the definition of CPU and the virtual memory with the logical and physical addresses shit. but i studied only for 3 hours minus minus.

i think i want to buy the apple ibook. its really cheap compared to HP i saw at courts the other day. and apple have student price which i can save up to 300 bucks. and i can get free ipod shuffle i tink. hmm.. i am still considering whether i want to ask my parents for the ibook for my birthday. with alien operating system.. it will surely be hard to adapt after soooo many years of using windows. but i want to get out of the comfort zone and try something new. besides, the virginal white lappie color is very very stylish. woohoo.

and the bed frame arrived in the afternoon. now, the problem is the layout of the room. where to put the gigantic computer table and my table and sis table and the bookcase and the tv. oooh, i have accounts on monday to study!

random thots>>> sec3/4 chink neighbour girl is dating an indian guy!! hugging in the lift!! as witnessed by mother. LOLL.. >>> baby marsupials clings unprotected to the mother's butt! >>>i have to wake up earllyyyy tmr!! have to follow sister and mother to NTU to sign her teacher bond or sumtink. ahhh boring.


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